NH 47 Near Chinmaya Vidhyalaya,an Accident Prone Area

For all who pass through the NH 47 -kalercode--paravoor especially in and around Chinmaya Vidhyalaya ,please take an extra attention while you drive.its an accident prone area.
We lost a great person who is a common figure of Paravoor,Comrade:Muraleedharan last day as his scooter collapsed with a scorpio.Comrade is serving as our member of II ward, president of Vadackal Co operative Society and CPI(M) L C( North )member.
Above mention part of the NH is a notorious place, i must say.Once in 1999 April 13 th ,while i was a school boy then,it was the same day that i received a post card from Carmel Academy that ,I'm Promoted to standard 8.
(it was the convention in Carmel.Before closing for summer vacation, we all have to give a stamped card to the class teacher to inform about the result.And from the 5th standard to 9th i received the same message."PROMOTED IN FIRST CLASS". The only difference in each year was about the Donation fees and developmental fees.The thing got change once when i got Distinction in X th (85%, 515 the figure which gives so much of regognition to me ,especially during my HSE) but informed by the P&D Kerala.
What rose the memories in me,why because we are talking about the 13 th April 1999.so as usual i got the Post card which intimates me about my Promotion to 8 th.For celebrating the great Victory,me along with my BSA SLR Blue cycle rushes to the block Junction to take caseettes of Malayalam Movies.On my way in front of Chinmaya ,I Struck with a Bike and fell down.The remembarance of that Accident is still on my fore arm.I was narrowly escaped as i fall into the centre of the road ,the Car which comes along managed to kept away from me.
so be aware ,the place in the proximity of Chinmaya witnessed so many acccidents.

Maneesha Peethambaran Preji


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